Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pastor's conference and a meal

I just got back to the mission. This was my first day to speak to the pastors. I spoke a little over 40 minutes but that was with the interpreter. His name is Theodore, a very nice man, and he does an excellent job. He is married and has eight children.

Today we went to one of the member's house for lunch. During the conference we will be going out into homes of the members. They are "putting on the dog" (not meant to be literal) for us, and we appreciate their generosity and hospitality. I did eat goat (thought of my pet goat, Dakota, at home), and I had stomach and its lining, liver, and unfortunately I missed the kidney. It wasn't bad. We also had fish, salad, gozo (something I could do without), and some spinach dish with goat mixed in.

It's a great thing that there is Coca Kola here. That is a treat. I will probably have sugar diabetes before I come home. When it's hot, I like Coke. However, I've probably had more water in the week we have been here than I have had in all the rest of the year. Jason and I are just a couple of guys that can't take this constant heat.

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