Thursday, November 6, 2008

Movin' through the OT

I have completed my second message and my interpreter, Theodore, told me I have now passed two tests.

Class was encouraging yesterday. While preparing for the students first exam we essentially walked/talked our way through Ruth. Today I will highlight a few more things and then we will be able to get to Samuel through Chronicles. Jason will teach the poetry section on Monday morning. I will teach in the afternoon and Tuesday, and then we are done. I pray and hope this time has been profitable for the Africans we have been serving. This trip has been one of the most awesome experiences of my life.

1 comment:

Bernie said...

Hey Joel and Jason-
I have an outline for the OT that you might pass on to our African friends. Four key men who were used by God to influence Israel until Jesus arrived. This gives a timeline to plug in all the other events.
2000BC- Father Abraham
1500BC- Lawgiver Moses
1000BC- King David
500BC- Exiled Daniel
- Our Savior Jesus